Thursday, March 26, 2009

Economic Outlook for 2009 Festival and Fair Season Remains Optimistic

While the economic outlook is bad for most business retailers, many mobile food vendors nationwide are gearing up for a profitable season, because they know that people will still buy their products at festivals this year. It is a fact that most people buy event items without planning to purchase anything at first. However, they get caught up in the moment, the sights and smells impact them, and they start purchasing.

Attendance to festivals and fairs will most likely reach record numbers this season too. Why? Because most of these events are either free or charge a small fee to attend. People are looking for inexpensive ways to get out and enjoy the summer season.

When people attend these events, they get hungry and thirsty! You need to ensure that your stand, equipment, and inventory are ready to provide high quality, consistent products at a reasonable price (for your profitability and for the benefit of the customer).

Snow cones, shaved ice, slush drinks, and cotton candy are all popular special events foods. If this is your first foray into the mobile food business, I would encourage you to utilize the special events locator websites we feature in our favorite links. Secure dates at events and then make sure you’re stocked up and ready to start making money! For the highest quality equipment and supplies in the industry, please visit and Both sites have many excellent products on sale now! We hope your 2009 season is successful!

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