Thursday, May 29, 2008

Would You like a Little Sweet Cream to Boost your Profits?

At, Condensed Milk (Sweet Cream) has always been our most popular topping. After you make a cup of shaved ice, simply pour a good amount over the top. Be careful though, because it can get very messy. You can also offer a double dose of sweet cream by adding the cream to the middle and to the top of the shaved ice. Prices range from 25 to 50 cents per dose. Check your local grocery store for 14 ounce cans which usually can be found on the baking ingredients aisle. Cost is around $1.40 cents a can. Some stands dilute the sweet cream with evaporated milk. The ratio is usually 2 cans of evaporated milk to one can of condensed milk. You can adjust the ratio as you see needed and according to your own taste.

This is a great way to boost your sales and increase profits over time with your shaved ice business.

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