Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Organic Cotton Candy

I found this press release today on Reuters and thought it was an interesting development for owners of cotton candy operations. It will definitely be a topic that should be followed in coming days. With the rising popularity in organic products, I'd strongly suggest keeping an eye of further developments.

Here's a snippet from The Bernod Group's press release:

""This new product is not just the only Certified Organic Cotton Candy that
provides an all-natural, deliciously decadent treat, at the same time it
satisfies even the sweetest sweet tooth," declared John Mularky, a Principal
and Co-Founder of the Bernod Group. "People ask me how it's possible, and I
tell them that this is an example of exactly what makes us unique," he added.
Manufactured in the USA, it will initially be available at leading natural
food retailers in Southern California in convenient natural grape-flavored
1-ounce Ready-to-Eat packages for home snack use. Without chemicals, dyes,
pesticides, cholesterol or sodium, the product is vegan and a real treat for
kids of all ages.
"Spun without a gram of fat or the slightest trace of artificial color or
flavor, our SpunCity Certified Organic Cotton Candy is practically perfect.
In fact, people tell us it has more taste than traditional products," said
Jerry Gonzalez, also a Co-Founder and Principal of the company."

To read the entire press release, click here.

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